Training to
Level 2

In Level 2 of The Initiation Path the emphasis shifts gradually from your personal process towards holding space for another person’s process. As you become more advanced in navigating your emotional and psychological process you will feel more comfortable in holding that space for others. You will be able to use the modalities we offer for preparing, navigating and integrating a plant medicine journey and create your own tool box. You will receive plenty of opportunities to practice with them under supervision of our team.
You will become familiar with our methodology from a practical, technical and ethical standpoint. Through deepening your ability of self reflection and you will be able to start guiding others from a place of self awareness.
During your training, we ask that you be willing to open up fully to your own personal growth, and to create a safe container together that welcomes feedback, is free of judgement and allows everyone to learn and grow freely.
We will be using the sacred plant medicine of Ayahuasca, Psilocybin, Rapé and Cacao in this level.
Requirement for joining Level 2 is that you have completed The Initiation Path Retreat
(= Level 1)
In Level 2 you will learn how to​
Deepen your own inner process
Increase your ability to hold space for your own emotions and experiences
Deepen your ability to listen mind and heart-fully without judgement
Learn to assist a breath work session
Learn about the preparation and integration process
Navigate through emotional intensity
Prepare, cleanse, open, hold, and close sacred space
Deepen your ability to meditate
Facilitate intention setting for someone else
Lead an intention setting circle
Create and lead a small ceremony yourself
Learn how to apply Rapé in a sacred setting
Guide a circle/morning practice
Learn one-on-one facilitation of a psilocybin journey
Learn about the 'do's and dont's' of a plant medicine guide (ethics)
Modalities & tools you will work with
Sharing circles
Pair/group exercises
Breath work
Psychology of the chakras
Uncovering and undoing limiting beliefs
Vocal toning
Plant medicine such as Ayahuasca, San Pedro, Rapé and Sacred Cacao