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what people say about us




Your strongest quality in my opinion is your ability to hold space without judgement, for anyone. Your strongest qualities together are the fact that you flow in such ease and my take from the outside is you always lift each other and allow each other to become who you need to be to grow. You are open minded and kind and generous. Your tenderness with other peoples hearts is a real gift that I don't know if people will ever be able to put into words what it means to have someone hold space in that way for them. I know that through your breath work and ceremonies I truly felt so comfortable and free to be who i am and express how I needed to express without ever feeling judgement. I only ever felt love during our retreat and I will forever be grateful for what I was able to leave on the mat for those three days. Thank you never feels like enough. I am so appreciative of who you both are.  I hope you never stop holding space for others and you continue to allow each other to blossom into the medicine man and earth mother that you truly are. You have changed so many lives. xoxoxoxo


In gratitude and love,

Lacey, New York



I’ve never met more beautiful people than you 2. I am so happy that both of you have come into my life. 

The ceremony this weekend was amazing for me. Your guidance and assisting me throughout my experience was so beautiful. 


The love and patience that you both have to sit, spend the time and allow people to go through these experiences is something that I’ve never seen before. 


Alex I remember you assisting me to the bathroom and staying with me out in that little clearance of trees around us. 

I was having so many Apiphany’s and you helped me so much to understand what I was experiencing. 


I can’t tell you how many times I’m thankful for you both in creating a space for us to come to our self actualization. You both are a blessing in my life. 

Please take care and peace be with you. 


Love Diane, San Francisco




I had the pleasure of meeting Alex and Attila recently and right away the warmth they exuded was appealing to me !

I have taken 3 transformational breath workshops and spent the weekend being guided and held space by them with their strong knowledge of medicinal plants. Honestly , I’ve never felt better in my entire life. Not only did the introspective work reset me , but Alexandra has a way of using her words powerfully yet softly . 

I would highly , highly recommend experimenting with their work. If this type of healing modality is new to you, no worries . They make everyone feel comforted and secure. Please do yourself a favor and let them help you help yourself . 


Tara Murphy, Santa Cruz, CA



My husband and I set out on a journey to Portugal in the search for a deeper meaning to our lives. What we found was true friends for life, a new understanding for ourselves and the realm we live in and also how we, on a personal level, can contribute to make this world the beautiful place it actually is. Alexandra & Attila greeted us in their home with open arms and hearts. By living their dream they have inspired us deeply to do the same, we have also learned that if you want to see a difference in this world, you have to become that change yourself. 

What they have created together in their home is a place where you have the peace of mind to go deep within to look for your own answers. You feel absolutely safe and loved, which I personally think is the foundation to find this kind of profound healing. 

The accommodation itself is so picturesque and decorated passionately in details. The nature and the surroundings have a soothing effect on you. The food is delicious and cleansing for the body.  

I know that I speak for both my husband and myself when is say that this is the most magical and transforming experience that we have ever felt in our entire lives. The plant medicine is truly divine, but without the love, guidance, sense of humor, knowledge and wisdom from Alexandra and Attila, the transformation wouldn’t have been this powerful. 

We are eternally grateful and can only recommend this to anyone who feels this calling. 


Namaste, Anna & Thomas from Swizerland




The best thing about this place is not the amazing scenery, or the surprisingly powerful breath work. Nor is it even the transformative and healing medicine. The best thing, without doubt, is the people that run it.

Beautifully kind people that guide you safely through the experiences and then help you to integrate what you have learned back into your life. My love and thanks to Alex, Attila and Daniela. I will be back!


James, UK




It is a sincere challenge to put into words the abundant gifts I have received from my time at this sanctuary with Alexandra and Attila. With my entire being I am sure this is one of the most important and influential experiences of my life to date. 

The mother is a wise and glorious teacher, a profound healer, a lover, a giver and a journey I wish for all to know. The ceremony bestowed me with the clarity and awareness I had been seeking and invited me to see deeper into the abundant possibilities of this life. The place that I stayed at itself is a home made of pure love, intention, and such delightful comfort. It's hard to imagine a more perfect setting and accommodation in which to feel warm and welcome on this spiritual journey. 

It gives me incredible joy to have found these beautiful people who lead by example, following their hearts and callings and walking their true path, that of healing and imparting their wisdom in such a sincere manner. The nurturing guidance of Alexandra and Attila proved to be equally as medicinal as the medicine itself. True, deep healing and growth in the way of support, encouragement and abundant love.

My heart is overflowing with gratitude, with fresh new awareness and inspiration from all that transpired in my time at this sanctuary. Without a doubt, I will be back to journey with these wise and wonderful people, to share in their company, in their wisdom, in their limitless love. Thank you thank you thank you!!


Carlie Grob, Oregon, US



Thank you for the amazing experience we had in your fantastic place, everything was so beautiful and meaningful. 

We really enjoyed every experience we had on the way, we met some truly nice people and fell in love with each other even deeper. We found our inner peace, guidance and we also feel grounded and enjoy being in the moment.

We would honestly like to thank you for your compassion, wisdom and guidance in your amazing sanctuary. Everything was perfect, from incredible room with a terrace where we could rejuvenate, to amazing food and meaningful excercises we still consider important tools for our overall well-being.

 Totaly filled my batteries and Laura found her peace with her ups (expecations) and downs (expectations). :) And we confirmed to each other that we are strong as individuals but even stronger and graceful as a couple. Thank you for your warm and open-minded guidance throughout our journey which we still continue to live.

Thank you again for everything you gave us and all the best to you and your work in the future. Enjoy what you are doing, because you are doing something truly important, profound and beautiful.


Greetings from Slovenia, Laura and Jaka



Here I was in a middle seat in an airplane heading towards Portugal, with a million thoughts passing through my restless mind. I was so unhappy with my life and didn't know how I would end up or who I could become. After trying almost every text book method and going to over 100 of different seminars on fear, depression and love, I turned to Ayahuasca as my last resort. 

Most decisions I made up to this point in my life were always the easy ones and I was not really getting the results I wanted. It wasn't the best of times for me to be honest and I was stuck in this confused haze. 

The 2 weeks I spent at your place, I would probably consider the most valuable time in my life. My mind was laid to rest and everything fell into place in the most simplistic way possible. My visions stopped the noise in my head, which had held me back all this time.

I have a clear blueprint now which I have developed after the sessions. Everything is easier now and its like the reset button was hit. I cant thank Alex, Attila and the Team enough for the abundance and healing they have releashed inside of me - conquering my fears. 

Thank you and Loads of Love


Eric from the mountains




The five days during which I stayed at your beautiful place, were among the most meaningful of my life to date. I'm very glad I chose to undertake this experience in this peaceful, warm, and safe environment.
Alexandra, Attila, and Daniela are very loving people: expert teachers; healers; and guides. They are highly professional yet are wonderfully warm and comforting. Their methods of preparation enabled me to fully embrace the profound Ayahuasca journey and be healed by it. I am deeply grateful to them and comforted to know that people like them are here in our world.
The breathing technique that was taught in preparation for the journey has left an enduring impression. Its healing effects (mind and body) had already manifested in me before the Ayahuasca journey. I am very grateful for the gift of this teaching- one I am continuing to use in my daily life. 
I was shown and taught many things; fundamentally, I was shown that unfettered, unconditional love is at the fulcrum of everything and is fully present within us. I'm able to begin to right wrongs and heal wounds.
After decades of displacement, I finally feel a sense of security bolstered by a new and humble confidence. I left the retreat feeling wholly replenished and with a renewed verve: invigorated by the possibilities ahead. A renewed sense of peace and a sense of hope.

Paul Higgins, China




Alex and Atilla,

Firstly thank you so much for facilitating my journey, and everything else. I resolved things I hadn't realised needed resolving, I feel like a 10 year old full of enthusiasm and hope with no negativity. It has changed my whole view on being born, death and the bit in between. I am still coming to terms with the impact that it has had on me and it just keeps getting better with more analysis. Ayahuasca is a special medicine but I am sure that the experience would not have had the same impact if it wasnt for the setting, guidance and support you gave. Everything about the weekend was wonderful. Thank you...


Rory O'Connor, Ireland




Dear Alex and Attila, 
I'd like to thank you all for all that you did for us during these few days. I only start to fathom the Miracle that blessed me and the others in the Nala the Womb. It feels so good, I constantly have tears of joy flowing down my cheeks, I never would have imagined that Bliss is so beautiful. 
The three of you are real Angels!

Denes, Bordeaux, France




In the past few days we have felt (and still feel) so incredibly thankful and inspired by the time we spent with you and through the experiences we were given. We really wanted to let you all know that we cherish so many warm and loving feelings towards all of you. We feel that we couldn’t have wished for a better understanding and loving environment and group of people. You were all part of one of the most wonderful memories that we’ve shared together and for that we say thank you, thank you all so much.

Alex and Atilla, we don’t even know where to start. We received so much love, kindness, help, advice and inspiration from you. The way you two are dedicating yourselves to the healing and nurturing of people is admirable that we run out of words. Thank you for following your hearts and creating this calming and warm place of nothing else but positive and loving energy, where we felt so welcome. You are very special and you made us feel special too. Thank you for sharing your warmhearted souls with us. We are very certain that we will see you again really soon, just like your sweet dogs, cat and salamanders. We cannot wait. 

Our last special thank you goes out to Nala (the tipi), who has kept us safe and protected through the entire process. We are thankful to Nala for inspiring us in many many ways.

We would like to wish you all, all the love and positiveness that you deserve and tell you that we would love to cross paths with you once again.


Lots of Love, Edna & Jeroen, The Netherlands




I am endlessly grateful for the experience I enjoyed at Alexandra and Attila's place. It is truly a sanctuary, a beautiful retreat where within a short period of time I felt like home. I am not surprised why so many people come here and don't want to leave. From the bottom of my heart I highly recommend this beautiful place to anyone who needs guidance, warmth and feeling of a safe environment to discover oneself. I admire and have big respect for the work Alexandra and Attila do. Initially I thought that it's 'just' the Ayahusca ceremony the retreat is about, but there was so much more we got offered. The breath works, meditation, and most important guidance received was beyond my expectations. I have a very strong connection to Alexandra, she is very knowledgable and I saw how her empathy has helped others to feel safe. She is a guardian. Attila's comforting advises, his warmth and humour helped me throughout the process. My group was also very lucky to have Nora on our side, she is the in-house massage therapist contributing to this beautiful experience. After my first Ayahuasca experience I know how crucial all this preparation has been and how important it is to have the right setting and be in safe hands. I will come back! 


Alisa S. London U.K.



Alex and Attila have created a supportive and safe atmosphere where one can seek healing within nature and connection with one`s own higher consciousness. I have been fortunate to stay with them for three occasions now and look forward to going back in the near future. It has also been very delightful and rewarding to meet other fellow travelers on our shared journey through consciousness. 


Sergio, Portugal




I want to thank you both, in concert with mother ayahuasca, for the gift you gave me at the retreat. I came to you wide open for healing, conscious I was in need but not conscious of what could or would be possible. You both stood in loving kindness every step of the way. I felt held and safe at all times, and cared for, which felt like a blessing. I had imagined the wound I carried was solely related to abuse, but now I see it has been my own resistance to finally stepping into my spirituality, which has given me a sense of wholeness, a completeness that I don't remember having felt before. I can only imagine years of resistance blocked the channel through my chest and I came unstuck. To say I experienced universal love is just one part of the totality of my journey, but it was the key component to unlocking my heart and giving me peace. I didn't understand before; when I walked through the spirit world and the journeying world (forgive my clumsy language - this is all so new), I felt blessed to have you both as guides. You sat in loving kindness at every moment; I will be forever grateful to you for holding my hand, both literally and metaphorically, as I took this step towards my own spiritual truth. Your ability to hold space and be present with my vulnerability is a testament to your individual and combined strengths as healers. For this I thank you from the bottom of my heart. 


James Johnson, London, U.K.



Thank you for creating a space for such a massive journey for me.
Thank you for keeping me safe and supporting me on the journey. Taking
Ayahuasca was one of the scariest things I have ever experienced but
the journeys that I went on needed to be experienced to grow and to
learn and to change. Both of you were truly amazing in the way that
you held space for me on such turbulent rides. I still feel the
journey continuing with me now and things around me are shifting. 

Lots of love, Both of you are amazing!


Benjamin, Auckland, New Zealand


I stayed with Alexandra and Attila for a retreat in November. Not only was the retreat beyond my expectations but the two really are great people which I felt are guided by their heart. 
They organized the retreat very professional but at the same time I felt personally well cared for. They are such authentic and honest people which made talking to them very easy and above all helpful. 
But one of the most important things was that I felt more than safe not just journeying with them but also doing the breath work. After arriving it didn’t take a long time until we started the first breath work session and I was surprised how quickly I was able to let go and trust Alexandra and Attila. In the ceremonies they took care of us very well and made sure we had everything we needed.
The room we stayed in was beautifully prepared and the bed super comfortable. Staying at this amazing place felt a bit like being in a home away from home, we were welcomed to hang around the house whenever we wanted, having fresh tea always available. Retreating in the middle of Portugal's beautiful nature was very calming and unwinding.
I really loved the place and for me it was a very beautiful and transformational experience.


Alina T., Kiel, Germany



Dear Alexandra and Attila, I’m  so glad to meet you both and truly grateful to you for sharing the gifts and insights that reach beyond the self-perceived struggle we often choose to see as life. Your commitment, sincerity and warmth has helped me overcome many of my detriments and fears, moving me forward to a new and better place. I will gladly come back and recommend anyone who is looking for a deeper meaning in their lives to take part in the events offered at your place.


Frederic Linderoth, Gothenburg, Sweden.​




When I met Alexandra I felt an immediate connection. With her expert guidance she introduced me to guided meditations and SoulBodyFusion(R). Both have changed my life permanently and deeply. She helped me navigate a very rough patch in my life, giving me the tools that I needed. Her impact in my life is priceless.
Love and Light


Lianne Godino, NC, USA


Spending time in Alexandra's meditation group has been relaxing and insightful.  She is warm and caring while also being insightful, perceptive and intuitive.  Week after week she creates a safe, calm and comfortable environment for the group to share and reflect. 

She exudes positive energy and shows a genuine concern for the development and growth of the people in the meditation circle.

I would highly recommend spending some time with Alexandra.


S.M., North Carolina, USA



I have been attending Alexandra's meditation circle for a few months now and this has been a wonderful journey and truly life changing for me.

With her spiritual approach centered on love and unity Alexandra has helped me look at things in a different light and take more control over my life. The knowledge and perspective she shares, as well as the open and genuine sharing with the other participants are an experience I look forward to when I go to the circle and I always come out regenerated. 

Alexandra's intuition and healing capabilities are truly amazing. I was a bit skeptical as I never tried healings before although I worked with energetic therapies such as acupuncture. At one point when I was quite depressed, Alexandra said she could help me. I have had episodes of depression at various times in my life and I really didn't feel I was going to make it out of it without medication this time... Kind of out of desperation I went in a one on one session with her. During the session Alexandra helped identify some feelings/history that were driving my depression. She spoke some healing words in German which I did not understand but I could feel they had a strong impact on me. I walked out of the session feeling all light and joyful and the depression has not returned since... (ups and downs but not depression). Also my guilt feelings have lessened tremendously resulting in me being able to better protect my space without needing to be angry all the time. That has made a big difference in my relationship with my children, less worry and guilt leaving more room for love. I never expected such a result from just one session. It made such a difference in my life.

I am very thankful for getting to know Alexandra and I wish her all the best in her adventure of going out and offering her gifts to those like me who need it on their life journey.


Anne T., North Carolina, USA



When Alexandra still lived in Germany I was very fortunate to receive several healing sessions and meditations from her. The way Alexandra is able to listen, understand and support has been a very big step upwards in my development.

I love the way she is listening to my heart by creating a safe space around us. Now that she is also a SoulBodyFusion® Practitioner I am still enjoying her energy back in Germany when she sends SoulBodyFusion® over the phone or Skype . It's amazing the impact SoulBodyFusion® has had in my life. I am full of inspiration and love. Thank you very much Alexandra! Although she is far away now living in the US, I was able to buy a Mandala from her which is always reminding me of the energy in the universe and in us.  I can only recommend to join Alexandra's energy, it will guide you to just be!


Annette H., Germany



Alexandra hat mich viele Male gerettet. Ihre Gabe mit dem Herzen zu sehen und zu fühlen, wie es in mir aussah, hat ein Coaching und Healing auch über die Distanz zwischen Island und Amerika möglich gemacht. Sie hat meine negativen Glaubenssätze erkannt, aufgelöst, ausgeleitet und durch positive Affirmationen ersetzt, was oftmals schnelle Wirkung zeigte und zu Erleichterung führte. Sie hat mir geholfen, meine tief vergrabenen Gefühle und Ängste Schicht für Schicht freizulegen und zu erlösen. Das hat dazu geführt, dass ich auch in sehr dunklen Stunden wieder auf meinen Weg zurückgefunden habe und gestärkt und positiv weitergehen konnte. Alexandras tiefes Mitgefühl für Menschen, Tiere, Natur und die Liebe zu allem was ist, machen sie zu einer leidenschaftlichen Heilerin.


Basima D., Hamburg, Germany



Gedurende de vele jaren dat Alex en ik beide in Hamburg woonden, was Alex mijn spirituele begeleidster en ‚soul healer‘. Ze is gezegend met de gave mensen via hun gevoelswereld te bereiken en de thema’s, die blokkades veroorzaken in het leven, aan het licht te brengen en te doorbreken. Door gesprekken, massages en een veeltal andere spirituele methodes - maar hoofdzakelijk door haar eigen intuïtie - weet zij tot in de ziel door te dringen en nieuwe energie in mensen te wekken, zodat volgende en essentiële stappen in het leven kunnen worden genomen en mensen kunnen groeien. Zij slaagt er steeds weer in de ‚energy-flow‘ in balans te brengen waardoor nieuwe visies ontstaan en het  zelfvertrouwen en optimisme wordt verhoogd. Zelfs nu we vele duizenden kilometers van elkaar wonen, begeleiden Alex’ boodschappen mij door het dagelijkse leven en geven kracht en ‚Zuversicht‘ mijn levensthema’s te bewerken en te geloven aan mijn eigen innerlijke ‚kracht'. Zonder Alex was ik niet zover als ik nu ben en zou ik niet alleen mijzelf maar ook mijn relaties met anderen niet in het licht zien, dat zij mogelijk heeft gemaakt. Ik ben intens dankbaar dat Alex in mijn leven gekomen is.

Els D., The Netherlands



Aluna helps couple find deeper meaning to their lives

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