About Daniela
My personal journey has been my biggest teacher so far. Reflecting back on it, my body and the plant medicine guides played an important role in getting me to where I am today.
Being disconnected from the body is not an easy thing to notice when you have been disconnected from it since childhood. At least, I did not know I was - up until my first breath work experience at age 33. As a result, I felt called to learn more about and to study various transformational breathing techniques. In 2007, I started guiding groups in the Netherlands, where I was living at the time. In the following 7 years I immersed myself into different body-related therapies like Rebalancing Bodywork®, tantric teachings, yoga and vocal bodywork.
These therapies along with breath work allowed me to bring awareness to my body that had not been there previously, and they showed me that I could make decisions based on what I felt, instead of what I (or others!) thought was right. Connecting more and more to my body helped me to understand and connect to my feminine qualities: my intuition, my ability to listen and feel, to nurture, to heal, to understand beyond reason, to know. Life started to make more sense to me, and slowly I started to develop more appreciation and gratitude for my life. I started to understand that being connected to my body means being connected to the preservation of life on earth.
Simultaneously, I immersed myself in the mysterious teachings of many different plant medicines and their spiritual lessons. It was Ayahuasca in particular who called me. During the next 10 years her Spirit supported my path, always showing me what was going on behind the veils of my ego perception. The teachings of this divine plant medicine helped me to develop the skill to see things from a different perspective. With this new awareness, I could move through suffering and self-destructive habits. You could say she became a life style for me in those years when I meditated with her on a weekly basis. She was the one sending me off to move to Portugal and helped me to build a new way of life. A life more connected to the land and nature’s cycles, my cycles.. She was also the one playing serious tricks on what was left of my ego to receive the most humbling lessons of my life. I had to learn about discernment, judgment, arrogance, truth and forgiveness.
Being with this plant in a close relationship for many years showed me what works and what does not in terms of her healing powers. Together with my partner I created a beautiful small retreat center in Portugal for plant medicine and breath work. I started to guide other people, to help them to work with her, to understand her lessons and to implement these lessons into their lives. Meanwhile, I have guided numerous people through intense healing processes and I still enjoy creating safe spaces for transformation. I have learned many techniques for making life better. The list is long. I have had excellent teachers along the way. The deeper I explored this inner "me," the more God(dess)-like qualities I found there. They are to me are qualities of the heart. Where male and female energies merge and balance. This is how we restore equilibrium in a world that is out of balance. My life’s mission is to contribute to a world where harmony, honesty, joy and equality prevail.
Know that these God(dess) qualities live inside you, too! Let's bring them out into the world again in your own most unique way.
2009-12 Breath work facilitation, studied with Annette Weers, The Netherlands
2009-11 Rebalancing Bodywork®, studied at School for Bodywork & Awareness, The Netherlands
2009 Voice Dialogue facilitation, studied with Peter Dellensen, The Netherlands
2010-12 Tantra Training, studied at Center for Tantra, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
2014 Soul Body Fusion, Teacher Training, studied with Jonette Crowley, Sweden
2016 Tibetan sound healing in the Bön tradition, studied with Peter de Gouw, Italy
2019 Sacred Sound Practice, studied at ‘Sounds of Light’, Guatemala
2021 Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training, Lisbon​, Portugal