ALUNA Lion Hearted Immersion Retreat
Men’s work meets Plant Medicine
June 27- July 1

These two modalities connect men to the heart of their true inner source of power and vulnerability
As men come together, in vulnerability, in power and with a deep willingness to let die their old patterns, a new way of being emerges for every man.
A new way of connecting to themselves.
A new way of connecting to the divine.
A new way of connecting to brotherhood.
Plant medicine expands our capacity to utilize the fullness of this human body and mind, and men’s work synergies the heart to connect deeply and fully to the heart of love.
In this 5 day immersion, you will discover:
How Tantra can support you to weave everything in your life towards knowing more of your soul purpose
How Men’s work can support you to connect to a tribe of brothers who will support you to rise in true power
Experience the depth of two potent and powerful plants that will open you towards knowing yourself as infinite consciousness
Learn simple tools to understand and master the polarities inside of you.
Practices that you can take home to integrate your mind, heart, emotions and sexuality
How to awaken to a new level of consciousness, beyond mindfulness. Consciousness that is heart connected, awake, spontaneous, mysterious and free of old patterns
How to access unconscious emotional & psychological blocks that sabotage your life and transform them into power
How to have a healthier relationship with your sexuality, your inner self and in turn cultivate a more alive and magnetic outer relationships!